I really can’t believe it's already December! Christmas mood is all around as well as tons of snow and freezing atmosphere reaching sometimes even -20°C. Well, only there, in the south of Finland – in the north are the temperatures much crazier. But as I was assured - it will be down here very soon as well. Days last only slightly over 5 hours and so when I have school from the first to the last lesson (8:15 - 15:55), I don't even realize there actually IS any day. But again, the "worst" is yet to come. I can't say that this all isn't down-putting sometimes, but then I just come back home, to the warm place with a lot of light, people with hearts full of love and two hairy balls always ready to cuddle, and world is great again. And when I get package from my Czech family, messages and greetings from my Czech friends, I just know there is still a place to go back to, people who still remember me and take some time to let me know that. And yes, maybe I have to wake up at 6:30 the next day, but soon I'm in school with my Finnish friends who are just so adorable and unbelievably nice people! So here I go - with 2 caring families and 2 groups of the best friends one can ever have. I already can’t and don’t want to imagine leaving this place, because I will leave here a big part of me and lots of good memories for the brilliant time of my life.
Of course, I'm missing something or someone time by time, in these days especially the traditions that are kept in the Czech republic and in my family; of course, sometimes I have just totally bad day and wish for nothing more than just to hide under the blanket in my bed and never come out of there; of course, my heart sometimes hurts badly and I just want to have somebody to hug me for long hours… but common!! I'm teenage girl and I'm just me, with all those things like crazy hormones, uncontrolled emotions and swingy moods - I just have the biggest right to have such days and moments, don’t I? I know it would be the same wherever I were (including also the Czech home) and that the sun will eventually shine again. And so these not so nice moments disappear in the sea of amazing lifetime I’m having here.
Just in case you read this and feel similarly time by time, I have one more thing to advise you – Fazer sininen, sweating (in form of sauna or exercising – take your choice) and good company is all you need! :)
And why I wrote this totally trashy and senseless piece of… ergh… something?
Answer is totally clear – so that you read also some shoddy “literature” and to let you know that I do f*cking care about all of you, appreciate you and that I’m endlessly thankful to have you all.
Nice Advent to you! =)
Hei, I'm YFU Czech to Finland exchange student and this is a blog about my exchange year. Feel free to ask about anything :)
December 6, 2010
November 3, 2010
2nd way up north alias Oho, seksisti and the Czech mafia
It was misty Wednesday morning of my autumn holidays when I got on the train to Oulu with a ticket and blue Fazer from my host-dad in my hands… Well, it was in fact normal October morning and the train went to Vihanti from where I took a bus to Oulu (why do I always travel when there are some problems on railway??!). Anyway, my 2nd trip up north was just about to begin.
I spent nice 4 hours on Pendolino chatting with my friends or just looking out of a window how the nature changes. Then in Vihanti I got on the right bus (to my big surprise) which really went to Oulu and at 13.00 my friend’s host dad picked me up and drove me to their house. As all of you know, I’m so well-mannered young lady... that I fell asleep as soon as I entered the room instead of being sociable “be active be active be active” exchange student and woke up just when my friend’s host dad was leaving! Shame on me, I know. Soon my friend Teris and her host brother Iiro came from school (haha, they DIDN’T have holidays! :D) and after two and half months I got the chance to speak Czech again. And right in this point probably begins the history of Czech mafia – what a nice thing to terrorize people around you by speaking Czech! ;) But still we didn’t know that we actually WERE Czech mafia…
In the afternoon we went to one of 10000000 Finnish lessons which Teris attends and it was really fun! I have even learnt a new word - SEKSISTI - I’m so proud about it! And because we are Czech mafia, we made Iiro to cook for us, but in the end we decided to soften the punishment, so we spent nice evening with pizza and Lord of the rings. Before going to our beds, there was pyjamas-party in Teris’s bed ;) Then another loooong night and waking up in the middle of a day – common, I had holidays!
*names of the characters of this story from my life might have been changed to protect the members of Czech mafia (and their friends and relatives)… or might have not. =)
I spent nice 4 hours on Pendolino chatting with my friends or just looking out of a window how the nature changes. Then in Vihanti I got on the right bus (to my big surprise) which really went to Oulu and at 13.00 my friend’s host dad picked me up and drove me to their house. As all of you know, I’m so well-mannered young lady... that I fell asleep as soon as I entered the room instead of being sociable “be active be active be active” exchange student and woke up just when my friend’s host dad was leaving! Shame on me, I know. Soon my friend Teris and her host brother Iiro came from school (haha, they DIDN’T have holidays! :D) and after two and half months I got the chance to speak Czech again. And right in this point probably begins the history of Czech mafia – what a nice thing to terrorize people around you by speaking Czech! ;) But still we didn’t know that we actually WERE Czech mafia…
Teris is tormenting her host bro, yay! |
When we got too tired by bullying Iiro, Teris showed me around the center of Oulu, only pity was that the weather wasn’t much sunny (what a surprise), but one thing I can say for sure anyway - Oulu is a very nice city. We stopped by for a cup of tea and headed back “home”. Teris made a dinner and then we watched Lord of the Rings – ou maaj, I hadn’t seen this movie for AGES! After that we were supposed to go to sauna, but somebody forgot to turn it on in advance so at least we had a nice music eve (with Teris being DJ) and late sauna without Teris – that meant no bullying! :/ Unfortunately it was soon time for bed, in which I stayed for looooong time.
When I woke up the next morning, it was almost afternoon. Being very lazy person, I decided to send SMS to Teris straight from the bed asking what were we up that day (expecting that she was in school). To my big surprise (and very loud laugh later on) I got immediate answer saying “come to my room”. Ajajaj, mornings are just soooo killing me! :D Then happened the most weird thing ever – I went to school even though I had holidays!!! OHO! I got to see Kastellin lukio, Teris’s and Iiro’s school, which was so different from SAMKE (my school) and visited English lesson which was almost the same as my English lesson. Nevertheless, what a cute small school!
In the afternoon we went to one of 10000000 Finnish lessons which Teris attends and it was really fun! I have even learnt a new word - SEKSISTI - I’m so proud about it! And because we are Czech mafia, we made Iiro to cook for us, but in the end we decided to soften the punishment, so we spent nice evening with pizza and Lord of the rings. Before going to our beds, there was pyjamas-party in Teris’s bed ;) Then another loooong night and waking up in the middle of a day – common, I had holidays!
"iso toblerone" |
On Friday we were supposed to visit Iito’s swimming training, but he decided to rather train sleeping, so we just had amazing walk around the city and I finally saw Oulu in sunlight. Because I’m so forgetful that I left my swimming suit in Nokia, we were running around Oulu (city far in the north of Finland) in the middle of October searching for two-pieces swimming suit. Yes, I always have to have original problems! But believe it or not, we found them. Then we rushed home to make a Czech dessert (Střechu z Bébé sušenek bez bébé sušenek) in Finnish realization and to meet Teris’s friend Karla who was actually very funny and renamed our dessert to “iso toblerone”. Hmmmm, ok. :D And that evening also came up the name “Czech mafia” (I don’t exactly remember how). Then I and Teris had a small music evening – she was playing guitar and I was watching or doing something-like-singing.
Later came very lovely sauna and very cold Jacuzzi (well, at least I can say I was getting ready for winter saunas) after which we just chilled out in front of the fire place listening to great music and eating tons of fruit. I really don’t remember when was the last time I felt so relaxed! Aaaaaahhhhhh….
horseeeeessss <3 |
On Saturday we implement the crazy idea to go horse riding! Why crazy? Because I hadn’t been riding for 4 months and if I’m right, Teris even longer. But it was really great; I so enjoyed to be “up in saddle” again and feel the smell and warmth of that beautiful creature under you. Just a few hours later we found out that we almost met Beatrix there, an YFU exchange student from Germany, who came for visit in the afternoon. We had some good talk and also Guitar hero – let’s just say I found another thing which I will never be good at. Or better to say, in which I will never be anything else than terribly bad at. Then Beatrix had to leave back to her host family and we had the last sauna-jacuzzi-music+fire place+fruits-evening. Needed to say that both Teris and I were in a weird mood, I personally felt like under influence a bit. But everything has its end and so the last night and last day came.
Oho, ladies are having some rest :) |
On Sunday we woke up (we= I, Teris and her host dad; not Iiro ;) ). We still had some time to have fun so we went to a gym and swimming pool. On our way there we passed a man who made this “cutting-neck – I will kill you” gesture at Teris. Just out of a blue. Scary, but it was only another proof of the existence of Czech mafia – Finnish mafia is already trying to fight us back, oho!
After 2 hours of ‘sport’ we rushed back because my train was almost leaving, my suitcase wasn’t packed and I didn’t have ticket for the train! This appeared to be a huge problem since it was Sunday evening and end of holidays/start of another one. Fortunately, there are still the parents, in this case Teris’s host dad, who was able to get me a seat in already full train and so I could leave. There is nothing more to say, than big Thank you! And there the story ends – with me sitting in a train, eating blue Fazer.
All over all, these days were simply amazing! I really needed some rest and nice time after all the things that were going on before… and I got it. I cannot even say how much I loved the time I spent with Teris and her family, how great it felt – to be with somebody who understands almost without words because she is in the same situation and who you really like and in the same moment to look forward to be at home again, because even though by that time I spent only a few days with my new host family, I already loved them and I wanted to be with them again. Everything was just perfect and I’m not able to express in words how much I’m grateful to Teris, Iiro and their dad for that splendid time and to my host mum, dad and sister for this brilliant time that I’m having right now.
But there is one more thing that I just must mention – Czech mafia sees you, hahaha!! OHO!!!
*names of the characters of this story from my life might have been changed to protect the members of Czech mafia (and their friends and relatives)… or might have not. =)
October 24, 2010
Change on exchange
It’s needed to say that I have joined a little bit infamous group of exchange students who change their host families. I will not write the exact reasons there, as I was forbidden to speak about it and it’s only my and my ex-host family’s business. Let’s just say that not everything worked out and the differences in life-style were way too big for me. You may say I just wasn't open-minded and flexible enough; that I could make a lot of things in some other way and everything might be better; that if you were me, you wouldn't be like this and just get over everything... and you may be right, but please, don't judge - think and say whatever you want, but you can never really know what it is like until you are in the exactly same situation. Just to make you understand a bit – it’s like with a relationship – you just can’t date anyone and even if you both try very hard the overall result doesn’t need to be happiness and good life. I went through some bad times because of this issue; learnt a lot about myself and people around me – a few of them disappointed me in an unpleasant way, but mainly I again realized that my friends and those lovely Finns are the best people in the world. It’s hard to describe how I felt - let’s just say these days of changing surely don’t belong to the ones I would like to remember from my exchange stay. But as my dear support person says – everything will work out somehow. And so it did.
YFU found a new host family for me quite soon (although in that moment I had feeling like if it lasted for months) and I even didn’t have to change my school! I moved from Tampere to Nokia, very nice small town nearby Tampere, to host family with sister of my age, lovely parents, dog and cat. I have spent there so far only a few days, but I feel so at home and so happy with them! Fortunately, my host parents don’t speak English at all, but talks with me in Finnish a lot. Well, “talk”- they tell me a lot of really interesting things and I love to listen to them and communicate with them, but I’m still not able to speak Finnish much. But I try and now I get the strongest motivation ever to learn the language – to really talk with these great people, to tell them how much I appreciate how nice they are to me, to tell them also something interesting and just to 100% enjoy the time with them. The few days I spent with them were so great and so full of new things that I felt like if I came to a new country! These people are so unbelievably amazing that I would hate myself forever, if I messed it up (again). But no, this won’t happen, I swear. :)
October 10, 2010
Lapland, sweet Lapland…
![]() |
the way up north |
On Tuesday 7.9.2010 in the afternoon we started our 14-hours ride to Kilpisjärvi. It was nice to find out that our trip is super-international: Finns, teacher from England, Fernanda from Brazil, Jon from New Zealand/Denmark, Ting Ting from China and me (Czeeeeech :D); later also Norwegians, girl from Italy, Germany and Latvia. No, bus isn’t good place to sleep on, but with imagine of the upcoming hiking trip on my mind even I was able to fall asleep. And it was wonderful to wake up in colorful Lapland where autumn had already started and the mist all around straight roads leading to nowhere made the impression of perfection even more awesome. But all the nice things have their end… :D
The way was around 11kms and nobody can say the path would be straight and easy to walk on. Small and steep up-/downhills in combination with wobbly stones under your feet… not fun! But the nature around!!! Impossible to describe because there isn’t a word for such a beauty! All covered by heath in all shades of autumn colors, sometimes interrupted by calm small lakes or forests of birches… Wild nature untouched and unchanged by humans, no groups of crazy tourists (well, aside from us, of course :D) nor fast-food stalls – just NOTHING, but nature!
After this reindeer-adventure we reached the peak and were soon at waterfalls that are just in the middle of the way. There we rested some time and I decided to join the first group (hohooo :D). And then another walking, walking and walking. Now it was mostly downhill, but the way seemed to be endless and the backpack too heavy and the temperature was so high…and I so needed to wee! :D So in the end I went again with Nelli and Fernanda, like in the first half of the hiking. Soon we came to a fence that was border between Finland and Norway and then we finally reached the place where we stayed overnight. By some accident we managed to put up our tent and then just ate and relaxed and complained about how bad we felt and what hurt us.
In the evening we were divided into a few groups and discussed the cultural differences in various areas like school, food, sport etc.. It was getting really cold really quickly and so I went into the tent before 10 o’clock. And was freezing whole the night long. The problem was that because of totally cloudless sky the differences between night/day temperatures were incredibly high and so it happened, that the next day in the morning we were feeling like cubes of ice and put all our clothes on (again) just to put it off (again) in a few minutes when the sun went up. all of us in front of the 3 borders statue |
But firstly we went to this magic point where all 3 borders meet! And I’m proud to say that only during this morning I visited all countries of Scandinavia. Yea, I’m super-tourist! ;) Then the hiking again, but this time it was much faster. Fernanda didn’t feel well so she went back by boat, but Nelli and I went valiantly the same way we came there the day before. I was trying to talk Nelli to death, but hell, this girl can stand something! We came to waterfalls, had a short break and continued without single stop (for 6kms!!) in the direction bus – cottage - ardently desired shower. My shoulders and knees were dying from pain (or better I was dying from pain), but just the image of hot water made me want to run. But I wasn’t THAT crazy. To my mean satisfaction, the Norwegian guys who sooooo were hiking the day before stayed far behind us. Hahahahaha, yea!
And finally the moment came – we got back to Kilpisjärvi, after small help from Jemina also to our cottage (have I said I totally hate Finnish doors? :D) and to the SHOWER! Then we even went to civilization - shopping in local city market and then again, program with Norwegians.
Norway |
Tromso |
After that little trip we had free evening - talking and playing card games. But I was too tired to be sociable and again – the imagine of upcoming trip scared my “muscles” to sleep. Because the next day we packed all our things and just with nothing (or few kgs of camera equipment in my case) went to Saana tunturi. That’s a big hill close to Kilpisärvi and the way up is really interesting – firstly some 300 stairs and then a few kms to the top. Although I could only guess that from what teachers told us because the mist that day was so dense and persistent that if I hadn’t meet Nelli on the top, I would have probably just walked by and continued somewhere god-knows-where. I was totally we
going down from Saana |
t from the mist, but I liked that trip a lot. Then, surprisingly, way down and meeting with another reindeers and then SHOWER. And after that? 14 hours on bus and my great Tampere <3 <3 <3 again.
So what more to say?
I really enjoyed it and I’m so grateful for I got the chance to go there! Not only the hiking and amazing nature made this trip the absolutely best time of my stay in Finland, but mainly the people that I met there and friends that I got. Even if I had to walk 11km every day, I would do it just for the feeling of pure happiness and friendship that I felt and that appear to be so rare for me lately. This is the thing I’m going to have on my mind every time I think back about my exchange – my little trip to north.
I in Norway |
September 5, 2010
Ehm, in which code is this lesson? alias briefly about the school system
Offer of courses for the 2nd grade...jakso = period; small numbers in the beginnings = codes |
Said in a very simplified way – you have 3 (4) grades which are divided into groups/classes (09F = class which goes to the school since year 2009, group F) which aren’t together at all. You make yourself a study plan and have the chance to end up school in 3 or 4 years. Every study year is divided into 5 periods and your schedule is different in each of them and you are also in different groups with different people. You have to take certain number of certain subject usually in certain sequence, but what period you will take it in and what day time depends almost only on you (but still you are limited by the offer of courses for the period).
Placement of the codes in every day |
And now come the puzzles – you have 8 codes in which is divided the offer of courses and every code belongs to 3 lessons in week (so if you chose for example English 4.4 which is in code 4, you will have it on Tuesday as 3rd lesson, on Thursday as a 2nd lesson and on Friday as 3rd lesson). This way you can fill all the codes (if you are self-murderer) or make your school start for example at 12 o’clock. Apart from compulsory lessons you can also chose from a lot of interesting courses which allows you to learn more about things you are interested in. Easy, isn’t that?
The numbers following after the name of the subject allow you to look up in your “school book” what is the course about (the first number) and what group you are in (the second number). For example my English again – its 4.4 and so I know it is about “society and the world around”.
Information about courses in my school book |
Lessons in my school last 75 minutes and the first lesson starts at 8:15. We have lunch at 11.20, 12.00 or 12.35, depending on the grade you are going to. Lunch is free and also with vegetarian-choice (in my school is over 100 vegetarians!) which makes me very happy, of course.
And now the most unpleasant thing – what about the grades? Firstly, grades here aren’t 1-5 or A-F, but 10-4 with 10 being the best. Although you might be graded also for activity during lessons or small word tests (in languages), the main grade comes from an exam in an exam week which is after every period. Every code has its own exam day so it can’t happen you would take 2 tests in one day (yipeee). I can’t say much more about exams now since I haven’t had any exams yet (my first exam week is from 22nd of September).My almost full schedule for the 3rd period |
I know I probably made it totally unintelligible, but at least something. :)
August 26, 2010
I’ve been here for months… no, wait, only 3 weeks!!
Tampere |
Yea, that’s how it feels like – I have been in Finland 3 weeks (and 1 day) now, but I feel like if it was months. It’s easy to explain – so many new things happening every day, so many new people, new experience, new surprises and new words => so many things you would never think that it is possible to experience in such a short time! And in the same time I already know the surrounding, how to get to the city center, where to go for running or shopping. I sometimes even remember how is called the part of the city I live in (Linnainmaa :D)!
My school started 2 weeks ago and I’m really getting into it – no more being 30 minutes late for a lesson or getting lost. This school is so different from the small Czech grammar school I went to back at Czech Republic! Leaving out the fact that there is close to 1000 pupils, the biggest difference is definitely school system. My brain is still working on fully understanding to what’s that really about and I doubt it will ever reach any satisfactory result. I will write about it soon in more details.
I have managed to find a few friends there and I’m very happy for it. Yea, Finns are shy, but not everybody! And they usually are so friendly and sweet when you start talking to them. Looking at people in my school I can say they are also very fashionable and self-caring. Girls are always perfectly dressed and make-upped and you can hardly meet here a guy who would stink or wear some old ugly clothes. Everybody here do some sport and eat really healthy so you happen to be surrounded by good-looking people all the time. Kinda frustrating time by time :D.
Anyway, I’m doing really well here! I have experienced many new things or old things in new ways! I was rowing, threw javelin (and hit my head when doing it :D), had a few saunas, eat dozens of new kinds of food and more to tell about. Still I’m very busy with arranging all things needed for my year here, but soon I will go on a biology trip to Lapland (and also to Norway) and start my new-old hobbies.
What more to say? In fact, much more, but it’s not so easy to tell something about my life here because I would always forget so many things! I’m enjoying my life in school and I’m getting on great with my small sister. We tease each other and try to understand what the other one is talking about. On weekends we all go to cottage, which is really lovely place.
Although sun already retreats and windy and rainy cold days are coming, I still feel the warmth and joy inside which is – of course - seldom covered with sad thoughts, but it never lasts for long time. I’m enjoying the time of my life… do you?A lake by our cottage |
August 9, 2010
Hey, Finland, here I am!
The day when the counting of the days left till my departure for Finland reached 0 finally came. The nervousness and excitement reached the top level (top in that time, few days later the “tops” were unbelievable higher) and step by step came the time to say bye for one year to the house I lived in, my dog and my relatives. Needless to say I was afraid the most of the check on the airport and how much better I felt after the scale showed only 4kgs over allowed weight of my suitcase and when I came through the X-ray with Steel boots on the security belt. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to take on the board my The Dreaming keychain in a shape of bullet I normally wear on my neck. Life sometimes just sucks.
Then we (I and Teris) finally boarded and heard Finnish all around us – simply amazing! I was trying to talk Teris to death during the 2 hours flight but luckily I didn’t succeed. :) We were led to the others YFU exchange students and waited for some time for the rest. Then we headed straight to Anjalankoski (really lovely place), where was our orientation camp held. I’m not going to describe here what was happening there, because it was A LOT things, we were busy and awake all the time (well, in my case at least). There were people from the Czech Republic (haha), Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Japan and Thai wan. We had amazing volunteers who made presentations and other activities for us plus American teacher who spoke almost all languages of the world and taught us over million of Finnish words :D. It was FUN and we tried some traditional Finnish foods and activities – yea, SAUNA. It was just amazing! And meeting all the people from different countries and cultures was very interesting.
Well, I knew my host family is amazing and I only proved myself right. Mervi and Martti (my host mum and dad) hugged me, my little host sister Meri looked a little bit scared but passed me poster with writing “Tervetuola Kata” (Welcome Kata) which she made. Lovely, isn’t it? Then I said hello to Teris’s hostfamily, goodbye to Teris (:´() and went with my family to their summer cottage (great place!) and home, to Tampere.
The next day we went to Näkötorni and then to city festival in Hämeenpuisto where I meet my friend Katsu. Great day! In the evening I gave my family small presents from Czech Republic and I was very happy that they liked them. Meri got the Mole (Myyrä) and I haven’t seen her without it since that moment. :) Today we went to all those booooooring places (police, bank etc. ), but at least I have everything done.
Now a few words about Finland: this country is totally gorgeous with a lot of woods and fields; everything is clear and the overall atmosphere is silent and peaceful. Of course, a lot of things here are different from things in the Czech Republic, starting with another type of meals and ending with numbers of tattooed people. :) But so far, it seems to me as an ideal choice and I can’t be happier for I decided to go there.
After 3 days the Day came – day to meet our host families! This day (as well as the days before) was the weather very un-Finnish. We were sweating from hot and nervousness, thinking about fainting. We were separated from our host families till 15 o’clock and I was dying from being nervous. I took a long walk around the lake nearby which so helped me. :) Then the time came, excitement and nervousness reached the most possible tops and we were sent one by one to our “new” families.
The next day we went to Näkötorni and then to city festival in Hämeenpuisto where I meet my friend Katsu. Great day! In the evening I gave my family small presents from Czech Republic and I was very happy that they liked them. Meri got the Mole (Myyrä) and I haven’t seen her without it since that moment. :) Today we went to all those booooooring places (police, bank etc. ), but at least I have everything done.
Now a few words about Finland: this country is totally gorgeous with a lot of woods and fields; everything is clear and the overall atmosphere is silent and peaceful. Of course, a lot of things here are different from things in the Czech Republic, starting with another type of meals and ending with numbers of tattooed people. :) But so far, it seems to me as an ideal choice and I can’t be happier for I decided to go there.
July 24, 2010
Finland + me = ??? (Alias how it all started and continued)
Early beginnings

The outbreak of disease
After a few years of listening to this one CD I discovered the magic of downloading songs from the internet. That way i got all The Rasmus songs (legally, ofc :D) and discovered such bands like Negative, The 69 Eyes, Private Line or Uniklubi. That was before 8th class of elementary school and all I can say is, that by the start of the 9th class I already liked Finland a LOT. How did it happen and why? I really don't know. Maybe it was because I met some Finns and found out they were so amazing or I just overheard the Finnish language and fell in love with it. Or maybe I just woke up one day with Finland in my head, reluctant to get out of it.
The disease is getting worse...
My love to Finland was a bit pasive until i got a Finnish textbook so I could start learning. Although it took some time, first I had to pass the exams to high school, but then when summer holidays came, I was reading this textbook all the time and at any place (for example on sunny beach in Greece ;) ). After holiday I joined a course which I took for another 1.5 year and the last half year I was taught by my friend.
I was decided to move to Finland one day and wanted to study university there or go there at least for an exchange year. But it even didn't come on my mind that my exchange year could come so soon...
Bright future...??
In my first year of grammar school I happened to see YFU presentation about exchange stayes in countries around the world. The idea of going on an exchange during high school was getting more and more reasonable and exciting and soon I decided to go whatever it takes. In September I chose to go with YFU (and that's something I'm never going to regret because I already met so many great people) and got all the papers done as fast as I could. I had never imagined what kinds of problems could bubble up - not having any normal photo of myself nor photo with my family which wouldn't be older than 10 years.

Now I'm eagerly waiting to enter the departure lounge and head strainght to Finland, yay!
July 23, 2010
About me
Hei, I'm Katerina from the Czech Republic. I started this blog to share my experience of exchange in Finland with my friends (and everybody else who is interested). I decided to write it in English so even my foreign friends could understand, but I may write something in Czech time by time.
As I wrote above, I'm a Czech to Finland exchange student for school year 2010/11 with an organization called YFU. I will stay in Tampere with my host family and go to a Finnish high school (Sammon keskuslukio).
In the Czech Republic I go to grammar school and have lots of hobbies (singing, Finnish, English, taking photos, reading, going to rock concerts, running, horse-riding, etc.). I love animals and I am vegetarian <3.
And, of course, I love all my friends. :)
So that's all about me :).
Just in case you would like to contact me: www.facebook.com/kholenova
As I wrote above, I'm a Czech to Finland exchange student for school year 2010/11 with an organization called YFU. I will stay in Tampere with my host family and go to a Finnish high school (Sammon keskuslukio).
In the Czech Republic I go to grammar school and have lots of hobbies (singing, Finnish, English, taking photos, reading, going to rock concerts, running, horse-riding, etc.). I love animals and I am vegetarian <3.
And, of course, I love all my friends. :)
So that's all about me :).
Just in case you would like to contact me: www.facebook.com/kholenova
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