Early beginnings

The outbreak of disease
After a few years of listening to this one CD I discovered the magic of downloading songs from the internet. That way i got all The Rasmus songs (legally, ofc :D) and discovered such bands like Negative, The 69 Eyes, Private Line or Uniklubi. That was before 8th class of elementary school and all I can say is, that by the start of the 9th class I already liked Finland a LOT. How did it happen and why? I really don't know. Maybe it was because I met some Finns and found out they were so amazing or I just overheard the Finnish language and fell in love with it. Or maybe I just woke up one day with Finland in my head, reluctant to get out of it.
The disease is getting worse...
My love to Finland was a bit pasive until i got a Finnish textbook so I could start learning. Although it took some time, first I had to pass the exams to high school, but then when summer holidays came, I was reading this textbook all the time and at any place (for example on sunny beach in Greece ;) ). After holiday I joined a course which I took for another 1.5 year and the last half year I was taught by my friend.
I was decided to move to Finland one day and wanted to study university there or go there at least for an exchange year. But it even didn't come on my mind that my exchange year could come so soon...
Bright future...??
In my first year of grammar school I happened to see YFU presentation about exchange stayes in countries around the world. The idea of going on an exchange during high school was getting more and more reasonable and exciting and soon I decided to go whatever it takes. In September I chose to go with YFU (and that's something I'm never going to regret because I already met so many great people) and got all the papers done as fast as I could. I had never imagined what kinds of problems could bubble up - not having any normal photo of myself nor photo with my family which wouldn't be older than 10 years.

Now I'm eagerly waiting to enter the departure lounge and head strainght to Finland, yay!
Quite a nice story:) I never thought we have that good music to pull people to Finland... Nice to hear:D
ReplyDeleteAnd yea in my case everybody keeps saying some bullshit aswell about exchange but I just ignore them cuz I know that its gonna be some really awesome time and we really should enjoy it as much as possible:)Those people just havent seen it...
"land like Finnland is totally stupid"? Why? I think Finnland is much more better than CZ...
ReplyDeletelauri: ask teris and most of the other exchangers ;) its all about music in start
ReplyDeletethey are just JEALOUS :) i already so enjoy it;)
Karolina:and u are right :D i love it there!
Dokud někdo není exchange, tak tomu nemůže rozumět. tomu co zažíváš nebo co cítíš. já to taky měla doma pětkrát denně (nejenom doma) že je to prostě blbost a finina mi k ničemu nebude... Ale to že máš cíl a jdeš si za tím ať můžeš dělat to co tě baví, není nic špatného. ostatní ti můžou závidět že děláš něco, co má smysl ...