Hei, I'm YFU Czech to Finland exchange student and this is a blog about my exchange year. Feel free to ask about anything :)

January 15, 2011

My twisted observations about Finns

    I don’t have much time (as always), but I just want to express my very (very very very) subjective opinion about Finnish people. It’s so subjective that it even doesn’t try to pretend to be objective, and so I guess you will disagree with me most of the time. And because I’m Czech (nooooo), I have no one else to compare Finns with than just the Czechs. Here we go!

  • Big group of Finns, including mainly: princesses, young ladies, sportswomen, boyish ones, the originality itself, drama queens, dontseeme-dontseeme and the rest.
  • When I came to Finland, I’ve noticed that all Finnish girls are top beautiful. But guess what? I was wrong – it’s only around 97% of them.
  • 99,999% has always perfect makeup and hairstyle, stylish outfit and adequate self-confidence.
  • So many of them are very small and tiny. Ohoho, and then there is me – the big Slavic girl. Bööh.
  • Part of them hates to speak English and the other one speaks English even among each other. Do you really think it’s THAT cool, eh? At least from my point of view it’s kinda silly behavior, esp. when I try to learn Finnish.
  • They are communicative and talkative, it’s very easy to get to know them, but quite difficult to become any closer friend of theirs.
  • They don’t gossip – or at least not as much as Czech girls.
  • It’s even bigger fun to talk to them when they are a little bit drunk – then they are super-talkative!  

  • Another big group of Finns, including mainly: sportsmen, young gentlemen, rough-type guys, rockers, gay-looking ones, dontseeme-dontseeme and the rest.
  • Ah, yes, YES – I finally got to a country where guys have the need to take care of themselves! Finns are clean, good smelling stylish guys*who tend to behave more than self-confidently. Oh, makes me remember about those Czech guys for who is the top of self-care short shower once a week.
  • Btw. did you know I hate blond guys with blue eyes (and yes, I still like Finns :D)? Fortunately so many Finns have greenish or grayish eyes and sometimes dyed hair.
  • I wonder how can be average height of Finnish men around 178cms because most of them seemed to be shorter than me – nooo! :/
  • I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard this: “Finnish guys suck! Really, trust me, don’t start anything with them, they will just play with you and then kick you away.” Yes, that’s true and I feel sorry for Finnish girls. But there just must be some price for otherwise very “fine material”.
  • They say that they don’t speak English. True, they don’t do. Unless they drink – then it’s impossible to stop them.
  • They keep in distance (aj, how I miss hugging of my male-friends). Unless they drink – then it’s impossible to escape.

*this all can’t be applied to all Finnish guys, of course, there is still the group of totally strange ones that I almost fear.

… and all together?
  • Finns don’t solve their partnerships problems publicly… unless they drink. Then you finally find out who dates/wants to date/ doesn’t want to date/dated/had any type of physical activity with who. Veeeery interesting.
  • For some reason, the most handsome Finnish guys date – in my opinion – not so super beautiful girls and the model-like girls date those nothing-extra guys. Common people, this doesn’t make any sense!
  • Finnish people are unbelievably helpful and nice.

You see? Finns are just weird. So are Czechs. Let’s face it – people are weird. But therefore we like them, don’t we?

Well, at least I do LOVE Finns!

Just to have there also opinion on Finns from someone else

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Mielenkiintoisia huomioita, osaltaan aika osuviakin. ^^

    Eksyin tänne Youtube-videosi kautta. Siinä oli hienoja kuvia! Pääsitkö seuraamaan jääkiekon MM-kisoja ja mukaan juhlintaan?

    Mulla on hienoja muistoja Prahasta kun pyörähdin siellä muutaman päivän ajan Interraililla 2009 :)

    Terveisiä Tampereelta
